Treatment of Depression Acupuncture Helps to Get Rid Of Stress and Anxiety
What Is Acupuncture?
Depression Acupuncture is a practice refers to a traditional Chinese medicine that entails unblocking ways of energy (also called as Qi) that are considered to exist in the body.
Emotions are shown by five different components as follows:
• Fear (Water)
• Anger (Wood)
• Happiness (Fire)
• Worry (Earth)
• Grief (Metal)
What Is Depression
As a fast summing up, depression is a poor health considered by several symptoms, and not only sorrow or the melancholy. It includes a constantly low mood or loss of attention or happiness come with by other signs, the most common mentioned below:
• Changes in weight and craving
• Failure to focus
• Having depressing thoughts and concerning about the future
• Feeling bad-tempered, exhausted, or nervous
• Being incapable to sleep or sleeping excessively
• Feeling discouraging about the future
• Having feelings of suicide
How Acupuncture for Depression Is Practiced?
How does Sciatica Acupuncture for depression work? The acupuncture therapists will put in needles into certain parts of your body that are considered to hook up to the depressing emotions that you are facing.
Below is a list of some of the points that will be used to ease depression symptoms.
• Guanyuan (CV4): lower back
• Qihai (CV6): below the navel
• Zhongwan (CV12): over the middle of the stomach
• Hegu (L14): on the hand
• Master of Heart 6 (MH6): underside of wrist
• Yanglingquan (GB34): on the leg
• Zusanli (ST36): below the knee
• Taixi (K13): on the ankle
• Shugu (BL65):
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